The Blob ...


June 15th 2024


Listening: Capsule - Idol Fancy
Watching: Nothing
Reading: Rereading Homestuck
Playing: MGS3

Hi hello! Back at again with the now bi-monthly blog posts. Nothing too interesting has been going on with my life right at the current moment, so there's not much to share other than mundane personal life stuff jumbo. Also, it seems to be a dry season when it comes to art matters— I don't know, it's been pretty hard for me to finish my drawings these days due to my poor time management skills ToT. I just only want to draw at a specific time at night, but I also don't want to sacrifice my sleep schedule! But for the meantime here's some 3D arts that I've been hacking away during my freetime:

This is a portion of Kyle's room, very snazzy, I love wood furniture with little compartments. Right now on the list I need to add texture to the comforter and uv paint some items. I'm thinking about adding a door, but I'm unsure if I want to position it on the wood panel wall or the regular wall and if I should make it a wooden door or not. So many decisions... I feel really good about the materials and texturing this time, it's starting to look like my ~vision~.

Don't diss on the tiled floor btw. He unfortunately lives in Arizona :'-( There is probably a scropion in his sheets as we speak (god i dont miss those things, ugh) ALWAYS CHECK YOUR SHOES

Here's this animation that I finished a short while ago, pretty silly, pretty stupid. It was fun working on this overall, whenever I get the chance to animate I feel like a child again living out my 2009 warrior cats flash/ms paint animation dreams. Side note: to anybody who reads this, who's your favorite warrior cats animator from the early days of youtube and what's your favorite animation meme from that time if you have one? I absolutely loved Sunstripe31's videos back in the day, sadly they deleted their account back in 2010 (rip) so there are only remaining scraps of their work left on the internet and my fav animation meme was called "La Bomba". Anyways, I've had a blast animating this even though I felt like there could be plenty of improvements regarding certain frames and the lip syncing towards the end but this was honestly just a shitpost animation that I scribbled out due to me yearning to animate something. This will be my second fully colored and background video (if we're counting that god awful grubhub vid), so I can give myself a nice pat on the back, yay.

Lately, (since these blog entries seemed to have been getting more cringer) I want to announce that I have been re-reading Homestuck for the first time since like ten years... damn. I roughly gotten into Homestuck around the beginning of 2013, though I remember favoriting fanart from my old deviantart page reaching far back into 2011. It was everywhere and you couldn't escape it during that time period online, so it was inevitable for autistic little kid me who had unrestricted internet access to get into it and be very obnoxious about it. I remember being obsessed with Terezi during the very beginnings of my Homestuck phase. She was one of the only female characters who was unapologetically very goofy and annoying that 11 year old me really related to at that time. One thing in particular that really had young ol me awed was that some of the characters like Dave and Terezi having their own wacom tablets and sending their shitty art to each other. I'm not sure why this really had such a grip on me as a kid. Maybe it was because I didn't have many artists friends or family who I could show my art to at that time, it was sort of like a friendship that I really wanted and still crave ToT! Also, HS is one of the reasons why I started drawing humans instead of furries, which is sort of embarrassing— well to be fair I was growing tired of animals and was getting into video games like TF2 at that time, but I was too stubborn to draw anything else other than wolves until I found characters that I was overly autistic about to draw. I feel like you can tell that a lot of my art style is derived from Homestuck with the similar proportions, hair stylization, and weirdly enough the way I pose my characters? idk something I just noticed. I try to hide it since it's pretty obvious but goddamn that shit is like a deeply ingrained muscle memory.

Anyways, I'm currently reading Act 6 Intermission 2 I think (it gets confusing after act 5)? IDK it's when Jane enters into the game. One thing that really surprised me is how much I remember about the lore and world building when re-reading the comic. I've always thought to myself that I was just another crazed fangirl, maybe I'm being too hard on myself. Reading about the whole captchalogue systems, sburb game mechanics and the thought of playing a game with your online buddies where you can have your own world tailored to yourself and create an entirely new universe and become gods was always such a cool concept. Karkat was super hilarious this read though, I mean he’s always been funny but this time around I loved reading through his rage filled memos that none of the trolls even participate in unless they want relationship advice from him. Also that one chat log where him and Eridan were fighting about whether if he was supposed to kill the angels on Eridan’s planet was super funny.

Uhugh I don’t have much time left to write but I honestly thought I wouldn’t like HS like how I used to while re-reading it, i think it’s still pretty good! anyways Jade is the best character. uh here’s some old fanart that i drew many years ago:

I distinctly remember watching this speed paint and trying my best to copy their rendering style (gone wrong)

i was confused with the weird low resiness of some of the images and then i remember the good ol’ paint tool sai 30-day past trial screen shot method

so long,

tubedfruit ☆